Ecosystem domains

The SWForum Project radar provides an accurate and unique birds eye view of the European R&I of EC-funded projects. The backbone of the EU Project Radar are three segments which represent the SWForum R&I taxonomy as defined by the University of Oxford. These are described below.

When populating the radar, a project's classification according to the taxonomy determines the sector in which the project's radar "blip" (a small circle/triangle) will be placed.

By clicking on the radar segments, you can dive deeper into each theme and get a clearer picture of the different projects that have been funded and their relative maturity. Each blip represents a project and you can click on them for more information. Projects are also listed on the right of the screen and information can be accessed there too by clicking on the project name.

Use the ACM Taxonomy filter to identify projects working on a particular technology or vertical sector.

SWForum Taxonomy

The project uses University of Oxford's SWForum Taxonomy to classify projects for the radar. The taxonomy includes three terms whose definitions are given below.

Languages and Frameworks

This can be any kind of new programming language and/or a language framework.

Tools and Techniques

Tools can be components, such as databases, software development tools, such as versions control systems; or more generic categories of tools, such as the notion of polyglot persistence. Techniques include elements of a software development process, such as experience design; and ways of structuring software, such as microservices.


Things that we build software on top of such as mobile technologies like Android, virtual platforms like the JVM, or generic kinds of platforms like hybrid clouds.

Filter projects by ACM taxonomy terms

If you are looking for projects that are working on a particular technology or vertical sector then by clicking on “ACM Taxonomy” you can hone in on range of choices of exactly which topics to view.

The filters are based on ACM's Computing Classification Systemwhich has been designed to categorise EU competencies in the field. The radar quickly visualizes the different selections that you make based on this three-dimensional taxonomy which covers Computer Systems Organization, Software and its Engineering, Theory of Computation, Mathematics of Computing, Information Systems, Security and Privacy, Human-centered Computing, Computing Methodologies, Networks, and Applied Computing.

You can also quickly visualize statistics pertaining to your selection including the number of projects and their type, total budget, average budget, total duration and average duration.

You can view the full ACM taxonomy here. contributed to this first edition sharing information of the taxonomy mentioned above.